About Me


Experience of Salvation

I am grateful to have been blessed with parents that took me to church from a young age. At age seven, I began to realize that I did not have everything I saw in my parents and pastor. I began to seek answers for my questions; though I am sure my efforts seemed very basic. At age 8, on March 29, 1967, on Wednesday evening I grabbed my pastor’s coat after services and asked him to tell me how to be saved. He sat down with me on the back pew and shared God’s plan of salvation and I prayed for God’s grace and mercy, and accepted His gift of Jesus. I was baptized a few months later, when the weather and water temperature allowed.


Call to the Ministry

As a teen, I worked with the Children’s Church, Royal Ambassadors, and Youth of my church. Through several years of attending Royal Ambassador Summer Camp and involvement in Royal Ambassadors and Sunday School, God began to deal with me about vocational ministry. I used the opportunities available to talk to ministers and missionaries about ministry, and prayed earnestly for guidance. My pastor helped me to understand how I could pray for God’s will to be revealed and look into His word to find His answer. Over the span of almost a year, I sought God’s will for my life, trying to confirm His will and separate my own desires. Early in 1975, I shared with my church that I believed God was calling me into vocational ministry. I began to think of preparations needed to follow God’s calling.

My ministry objective is to serve my God as He directs, giving glory to Him, and trusting Him to care for my needs. But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus. (Phil 4:19 KJV)


Following prayer and discussion with my pastor, the deacons, and the congregation, my church offered their support of my calling and licensed me to the ministry on April 27, 1975.


I was ordained to the Gospel Ministry by Sharon Baptist Church, Smyrna, GA on November 12, 2006.


Why I am a Pastor

My entrance into ministry is based solely on my recognition of God’s calling and my absolute desire to please Him. I have yielded to His guidance for years as He provided opportunities to serve. When, according to God’s perfect will, the call to pastoral ministry was extended to me, I could not imagine refusing. Answering His call is not an option when the commitment to follow Him has been made.

I have served churches in Florida, Georgia, Indiana and North Carolina.

Contact Us

Email: blockerjd@gmail.com


Phone: 910-434-8975


Address: PO Box 433, Cordova, NC 28330

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